Healing Happens On Your Own Timeline

I don’t necessarily believe that everything happens for a reason, but I do believe that the various challenges we all face in our lives, contributes to how resilient we end up becoming.

I was thinking last night about how many challenges I’ve faced throughout my time here on this planet. Just to name a few, growing up in a predominantly Caucasian community and not looking like anyone else, a bipolar disorder diagnosis while in college, finding a dead body in college on my way to work, losing the life of a close friend to alcoholism and a past boyfriend to a motorcycle accident, addiction challenges myself in my teenage and mid twenties, Bell’s palsy, which has left my face partially and permanently paralyzed, financial challenges, work challenges and infertility challenges.

I don’t say all the above to shock you or complain, but I say this to emphasize just how resilient I personally have become and im sure you have become as well. We all face challenges, just probably a different set of challenges based on your own life experiences.

I decided long ago that I could either let all I’ve faced define me and defeat me, or I could learn to cope and eventually invite healing these traumas into my life. As you have probably heard, healing isn’t linear and happens (or for some, doesn’t happen), ultimately on your own timeline. It looks different for everyone. It usually cannot be forced and the willingness to heal any challenging circumstances that have dimmed your light in the past or present, will find you. It’s sounds so simple, but once the willingness finds you, it’s about consistent practice of what helps you feel better.

For me, it’s sharing in written form, my life experiences with whoever will listen, in hopes that my specific challenges that I’ve overcome will help another.

The point: Healing happens on your own timeline and I hope the willingness finds you, like it found me.

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